North Carolina State University, Committees, Safety Committee Records 1961-1998, 2003


North Carolina State University, Committees, Safety Committee Records 1961-1998, 2003

The records of the North Carolina State University Safety Committee span from 1961 to 2003, though the years between 1998 and 2003 are not represented in the collection. It contains the records of the North Carolina State University Safety Committee (also known as the Committee on Safety and Health), including: meeting minutes, monthly reports, records of calls to the Safety Hotline, and information on radiation and laboratory safety. The North Carolina State University Safety Committee (also referred to as the Committee on Health and Safety) appears to have existed as early as 1961. The purpose of the committee was to ensure that adequate safety measures were utilized at North Carolina State University, particularly fire safety, radiation safety, and lab safety. Though all safety concerns were relevant to the committee, these receive particular attention in the files. Safety measures and education at North Carolina State University are now handled by the North Carolina State University Environmental Health and Safety Center. Currently, the center manages the Safety Hotline, publishes the AWARE newsletter, and manages health and safety concerns from general health concerns, to information regarding radiation safety and environmental affairs. Recent information regarding the Safety Center's undertakings and the records of the Safety Hotline are available online.

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